Active Furniture Removals


How To Move Your Plants Long Distance

How To Move Your Plants

On your list of things to prepare before your move, your plants should be right up there with your children and your pets, because during the course of your move your plants will need just as much care and attention. Not too unlike goldfish, certain plants are especially vulnerable and the smallest changes can disturb their delicate little micro environments. If you’re a green fingered fanatic don’t despair, a few little tips here and there and your darling botanical buddies will be well on their way to settling in to their new home alongside you, your children and your pets.

Transplant It

Ceramics and terracotta pots are portents of disaster, after all accidents do happen. The best way to avoid certain doom would be to transplant your loved one, should they currently reside within the bounds of fragile pot. Plastic is a far more durable solution, additionally you want to transplant it at least a month before the move to allow it time to settle in. Remember not issue your plant with a pot which is vastly different in size, this may stress it out somewhat.

Pest Elimination

It’s really important to ensure that you don’t inadvertently allow nasty little stowaways to hitch a ride to your new abode. Treat your plant a week in advance to eliminate any pests before they infest the rest of your belongings.

Prune Away

By Pruning your plant before the move, you are allowing it to concentrate all of its nutrients in the most important areas which will keep it on top form for the move. A good prune will also minimise mess and reduce the space required for the plant during the move. Just be careful to not over-prune!

Pack It Safely

The day before the move you want to ensure that your plant is packed up carefully and safely. Put your pot plant in a box which is big enough to protect its entire height, you also need to cushion the base to prevent it from bumping around inside the box. If your plant is too tall for a box, you can still put its base in a box, but protect the rest of it by covering it with an old sheet. Cut holes in the sheet to allow for sufficient airflow. The sheet will also help your plant survive extreme temperatures.

It is also absolutely pertinent to give vines and weak stems a stake for support. Secured to a stake, your plant may well survive and unplanned tumble.

Keep It Moist

The day before the move water your plant, but be careful not to overwater it. It’s most important to ensure that the plant is neither cold and damp nor hot and dry during the course of the move. Either situation, coupled with insufficient fresh are will most certainly spell disaster for your greenery. To absorb excess moisture, place dry newspaper on top of the soil to absorb moisture. If it’s hot outside, place damp newspaper on top of the soil; this will help to provide a humid environment but your plant may also need additional water during the course of the move.


When you arrive at your new nest, place your plants in similar spots to their previous location. This will really help to avoid shock. The continuity of morning sun or afternoon sun may really help your plant to settle in.

Congratulations, you have survived your move and so has your flora!